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PLTW Principles of Biomedical Science


Course Description Whether seeking a career in medicine or healthcare or simply looking for the challenge of real-world problems, students in Principles of Biomedical Science will practice how to think creatively and critically to innovate in science and gain practical experience tackling real-world challenges faced by biomedical professionals in the field.

Principles of Biomedical Science is a full-year high school course in the PLTW Biomedical Science program. This course serves to provide foundational knowledge and skills in fields such as biology, anatomy and physiology, genetics, microbiology, and epidemiology, as well as engage students in how they can apply this content to real- world situations, cases, and problems such as solving a medical mystery case, diagnosing and treating a patient, or responding to a medical outbreak.

PBS Topics

Activities/ Labs/ Projects


Unit One: Medical Investigation

Lesson 1.1: Investigating the Scene- In this lesson you begin your training as a medical investigator. Shadowing members of the police department and forensic investigation team, you will document and analyze the clues left at the scene of a woman’s death.

Lesson 1.2: Master the Morgue In this lesson you will shadow the medical examiner to investigate what clues the body provides about the cause and manner of death. You will begin to explore the structure and function of human body systems as you piece together evidence to solve the case.

Lesson 1.3: Open Investigation Now that you have “graduated” from your training, you are tasked to solve a new case. You will explore a virtual crime scene, gather evidence from the scene and witnesses, analyze evidence to deduce what happened, and complete an autopsy report using test and examination results. In preparation for court testimony, you will create an evidence board that illustrates the case to a judge or jury.


Unit Two: Clinical Care 

Lesson 2.1: Talk to Your Doc In this lesson you begin your work day at the PLTW Total Care Clinic. Each patient you see will highlight key clinical skills as well as allow you to explore the way the human body works. You will apply what they have learned to design a plan for a routine visit of a patient with a chronic health condition.

Lesson 2.2: Decoding a Diagnosis In this lesson you will explore the relationship between DNA, chromosomes, genes and proteins as you work through the diagnosis of various patients in the practice. You will use what you learn to help a family interested in learning more about their genetic risk.

Lesson 2.3: New to the Practice In the problem you are tasked with helping a new patient at the PLTW Total Care Clinic. You will need to evaluate all medical evidence, question the family, record vital signs, order and evaluate bloodwork and synthesize data to make a diagnosis.


Unit Three: Outbreaks and Emergencies 

Lesson 3.1: Nosocomial Nightmare You are part of the PLTW Disease Defense Team and you have been called to investigate a mysterious infection at a local hospital. You will work to determine why and how patients are getting sick and design a strategy for resolving the outbreak (and preventing another one). In the lab you will work to identify the infectious agent that plagues the hospital halls.

Lesson 3.2: Emergency Response You will now serve as part of an emergency medical response team, trained to respond when access to care is limited during accidents, natural disasters, and other mass casualty events. As you respond to an emergency in the field, you will investigate assessment and stabilization of a patient, drug delivery and metabolism, techniques to stop bleeding, and communication between medical care providers.

Lesson 3.3: Information Sharing You will apply what they have learned in the unit as they plan the design of an app to be used to trace outbreaks, respond to emergencies (local or global), increase response efficiency in emergencies, or provide another public health function.


Unit 4: Innovation, Inc. 

Lesson 4.1: Designing the Future In this lesson you will tour labs in PLTW Innovation, Inc., each dedicated to a different area of research, innovation, and design. You will explore 3D modeling, device design, regenerative medicine, drug design and delivery, as well as public health promotion.

Lesson 4.2: New Frontiers In this lesson you will expand their exploration of innovation to new frontiers. You will dive under the sea as you locate and test marine organisms for bioactive compounds useful as therapeutics. Then you will explore how the body reacts to travel to and life in space and design innovative improvements.

Lesson 4.3: Invitation to Innovation In the problem you are tasked with competing for open lab space at PLTW Innovation, Inc. To make your case, you will apply all you have learned in this unit (and course) to design a medical innovation.



The PLTW End of Course Exam 




  • Chromebooks will be provided for classroom use. 

  • If class at any point goes virtually, IPADS will work, but a computer is recommended. 

  • There is no textbook for this course. All material will be online.  

  • Google Classroom

PLTW Login: 


PLTW Password: 


Google Classroom Code: 




  • 2” Binder

  • 4 dividers

  • Colored Pencils or markers 

  • Highlighters

  • Pencils or pens

  • Ear-buds/ Headphones for classroom use.

Grading: Students will be given grades for daily participation, lab journals, quizzes, projects, and tests throughout the year. A midterm exam and a final exam will be given. We will be using the total points scale. See standard grading scale below. 

   Letter Grade       Percentage

A 96-100

A- 90-95

B+ 87-89

B 83-86

B- 80-82

C+ 77-79

C 73-76

C- 70-72

D+ 67-69

D 63-66

D- 60-62

F 59 and below


Make-up Policy


Absences must be kept to a minimum. The student will make prior arrangements for a planned absence; otherwise, he/she must request the missed assignments immediately after returning to school. 5 points will be deducted for each day work is late. It is always the student’s responsibility to get make-up work from the instructor and take personal responsibility.  Exams and quizzes must be taken the first day back unless other arrangements have been made prior to the absence.  No allowances will be made for any unexcused absences—this includes OSS. 

Classroom Expectations 


1.   Arrive on Time: To keep the classroom running smoothly, everyone needs to be on time and ready to start class. Students outside the door and rushing in after the bell has begun to ring will be considered tardy. You must be in your seat when the bell rings to be counted present.


2.   Electronic Devices: When class is in session, cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned on silent and out of sight. If you need to charge a device during class, please ask the teachers permission before doing so. NO music during class. Headphones will be used throughout the course for videos only. 


3.   No Food or Drinks: Eating and drinking should be reserved for lunchtime and breaks between class. (However, exceptions should be made for students with medical needs.). 


4.   Use Technology for Learning: If the class is using a form of technology such as computers or tablets for a lesson, use the technology for its intended purpose—learning. Don't browse the web or use social media.


5.   Return Items Where They Belong: We will be doing various lab experiments throughout the year requiring numerous items. Please be respectful and replace items where you find them.


6.   Must Maintain Professional Lab Journal: I will be checking lab journals throughout the semester for organization. 


7.   Chromebooks: Chromebooks will not leave the classroom. Students are responsible for powering down Chromebook on their desk at the end of class. These will be sanitized ONLY BY THE TEACHER. Students must use hand sanitizer prior to getting a Chromebook at the beginning of the class. 


8.   Masks: Masks must be worn in class. Due to our class size we will not be able to maintain a social distance of 6ft.


9.   Be Respectful: Please be respectful in class to teacher and classmates. 


10. Dress: Please dress appropriately for class. Some lab experiments and projects will require bending and moving. On certain lab days it may be required to wear older clothes/lab coat in case of staining clothes. Lab coats will not be provided by the teacher due to sanitary reasons during this time. Lab coat not required (You can wear older clothes/jacket if needed on those days)